Outdoor activities can involve certain risks. To plan properly for your visit to the Regional Park, it’s your responsibility to assess:
- Your skills
- The chosen route
- The skills required for the selected activity
- Your physical capabilities
All visitors are responsible for their own safety. Managing risks is an integral part of your experience.
Road safety on forestry roads
Wood cargo transporters, silviculture workers, fishermen, hunters, lovers of the great outdoors … forestry roads are well travelled and road safety in the forest is everyone’s responsibility.
The Québec Highway Safety Code applies on forestry roads.

At all times, you must:
- Have in your possession a valid driver’s licence, the registration certificate for the vehicle, and insurance certification.
- Keep to the right, particularly on curves and hills.
- Abide by the speed limit of 70 km/hr on the road and 30 km/hr on bridges.
- Drive appropriately for road conditions.
- Wear your seat belt.
- Obey drinking and driving laws.

In addition to these regulations, some other safety rules apply:
- Keep headlights on at all times.
- When approaching a bridge, slow down and yield to heavy vehicles.
- Park the vehicle on the side of the road so that it is visible and well clear of traffic; avoid parking on curves, hills or bridges.
- Use a two-way (CB) radio to indicate your presence and position.